Bummer of a Birthmark: The Realities of Being a Library Trustee
Laura DeBaun (NEKLS Director) and Mike McDonald (Library Development Consultant) will lead the workshops. Bring your questions!
Topics include:
- Meeting Management
- KS Open Meetings
- KS Open Records
- Policy Requirements
- Board Basics
- Library advocacy – (small a) at the community level
- Executive Sessions
Join your fellow area Trustees & Directors for an evening (or morning) of learning and discussion. Sign up is easy!
No Charge for NEKLS Trustees & Directors
Fulfills the Board Training requirement for 2016
Workshops include light supper (or breakfast).
Choose your location:
♦Wednesday June 8 5-8 pm Seneca Library
♦Saturday June 18 9am -12noon NEKLS Office, Lawrence
♦Tuesday June 21 5-8 pm Basehor Library
♦Thursday June 30 5-8 pm Ottawa Library/City Offices
Sign up is easy! (Registration Closed)
Choose your location —> Enter Name(s) —> Indicate special dietary needs —> Done!
2016 Trustee Summer Workshop flyer