This summer NExpress Catalog (catalog.nexpresslibrary.org) will sunset and the new service Next: search catalog (nextkansas.org) will go live. NExpress isn’t really going away, but it is being given a new life. Everything we learned from the NExpress project is being refocused into a new vision that is called Next. Next: search catalog wants to inspire library patrons in Northeast Kansas to explore, and we have attempted to listen to our users so that we can provide them with a tool that will get them where they want to go. Dan Alexander has been assigned the role of brand ambassador and will work with Next Coordinator George Williams, the Next support team, library staff, and at times library patrons to make this roll-out successful. We will begin transitioning to the new service so look for some slight changes along the way. When we are ready to hit the live button we will send out communications for what changes need to be made at Next libraries. Thank you for allowing us to all start this journey, we are looking forward to loving our library catalog.