Giving Tuesday, November 28th, is a global generosity movement and a perfect opportunity to build partnerships and support in your community.


The NEKL Foundation is able to process gifts designated to your library and it is highly recommended that you offer online giving options. Donors and potential supporters want their charitable giving to be user friendly!


The toolkit has creative assets and posts that you can personalize and copy and paste for social media, emails, in a newsletter or on your website. You will receive bookmarks with a QR code this week. These can be displayed at your circulation desks or put in your materials several weeks before GT.

Please share with your Friends groups, Boards and other volunteers and ask them to share with their personal networks.

Marketing research shows that people need to see a message 7 times before they make a decision, so consistency is key! The micro-campaign strategy is most effective when your supporters see it in a variety of “channels”—social, email, newsletter, etc.
