NEKLS will hold its annual Summer Reading workshop on Tuesday, February 22nd, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Kansas State Historical Society (6425 SW 6th Avenue, Topeka). The statewide trainer this year is Dianne de Las Casas, an author and award-winning storyteller. De Las Casas is a Filipina-American, born in the Philippines. As a child, she lived in the Philippines, Hawaii, Spain and traveled across Europe and the United States. She currently resides in the New Orleans, Louisiana area.
The workshop will be packed with activities supporting this year’s summer reading program theme, One World, Many Stories. Dianne will teach a variety of innovative storytelling techniques using hands and fingers, string, paper cutting and folding, bandanas, and tangrams (an ancient Chinese puzzle). She’ll also present crafts and activities from some of her own picture books as well as the 2011 CSLP Manual.
Materials, handouts, and doorprizes – as well as a continental breakfast and hearty lunch – are included in the $20 program fee.
Register online or complete a registration form to submit by courier, fax, or mail.