From Need to Numbers: A Hands-on Budget Workshop for Library Trustees and Directors
Every year NEKLS hosts a workshop for library trustees and directors. This year’s topic is library budgeting. The workshop will provide information and activities that can help inform the budget you are working on this spring.
In preparation for the workshops, which will be very hands-on, please gather and bring along the following items:
- City Charter Ordinance affecting the library levy, if one exists
- 2010 Year-end financial report
- 2011 Budget
- 2012 plans, ideas, new initiatives, new or extended services, projects, “hopes and dreams”
This Thursday session will take place at the Corning Community Center, 6611 7th St., Corning, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Participation is free and includes a light supper.
Register online (be sure to select the session you plan to attend), submit a registration form, or call the NEKLS office at (888) 296-6963.
NOTE: Alternate sessions are offered Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday this week at various locations throughout the system. Choose the one most convenient for you. Trustees and directors from district libraries should attend the Monday session at Basehor Community Library.