GeorgeWilliams-WebGeorge Williams officially joined the NEKLS team today!! For a short while, we will have two full-time NExpress Coordinators as Heather begins the hand-off of NExpress. We’ve put him right to work and you all need to come to the NExpress meeting on July 29th to meet George in person!

George has been working for the last 9 years as the Access Services Manager for the Latah County Library District in north central Idaho.  As a part of that position he also chaired the VALNet library consortium’s System Administrators Committee from the time that VALNet migrated to Koha in early 2012 until the present.  Prior to the Latah County Library District, George held jobs as a college instructor, as a bookmobile drive for Boise Public Library, as an airport shuttle driver, and as a restaurant manager — among many other things.  George has a BA in English literature from Boise State University (go Broncos!) and attended graduate school at the University of Idaho in Moscow, ID.   George is an Idaho native and has lived in virtually every corner of Idaho but is eager to find out what it’s like to live on the eastern side of the continental divide.

Welcome to Kansas, George!