OneClickDigital, the new audio book service for the state of Kansas has gone live.

You can sign up for your account from the NExpress user home page. You will need to login to the Nexpress catalog: Once logged in you will click on the Kansas EZ Library link from the left hand column.  Create your account, Sharon suggests using the same login info you use for NExpress to simplify matters. If you are not sure if your mp3 player is supported, or if you might be using the service with a Mac then I suggest selecting “Choose Manual Download” under Download Method, as you will still be able to use the media manager if you download it at a later time, however I was not able to switch to the manual method after creating an account with the media manager preference. Below I will share some links that may be of help during this transition period with OneClickDigital.

State Library resource guide

Sharon’s previous post

OneClickDigital tutorials


Photo Credit: Lightening strikes in Silver Spring, MD by Flickr user Kristen Becker under a Creative Commons License