Save the date forĀ NEKLS Spring Assembly 2012 – Thursday, April 19th, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, 200 McDonald Drive, in Lawrence. The NEKLS Executive Board will meet from 8:30 to 9:30 at the Holiday Inn, prior to Assembly.
Program Highlights:
- A keynote adress on Transformation by Pam Sandlian, Anythink Library Director
- a book talk by Barbara Stuber, author of the young adult novel Crossing the Tracks
- a discussion with Carol Barta, North Central Kansas Library System, about broadband high speed internet access.
- NEKLS annual business meeting and election of officers
- Announcement of the NEKLS 2012 Volunteer of the Year
Each NEKLS member library should plan to send their system representative to attend the business meeting at this event.
Register now!