It is time to fill out the annual public library survey. You can view the informational video, on demand, thanks to the people at the State Library Kansas (SLK), using this Zoom link.

The survey’s due date is February 1, 2021, if you need an extension to February 10, please contact Robin Hastings immediately, she will relay that request to SLK . Your funding from SLK and NEKLS is dependent on this survey being complete.

NEKLS will be offering a drop-in and pop-out Zoom room for our members on the afternoon of January 19, 1pm until 3pm, so that we may help you with any questions you may have, here is the Zoom link . You can download a helpful workbook (PDF), to aid you in your preparations.

Some wisdom regarding the public library survey from NEKLS:

  • All public libraries must complete the survey, your aid depends on it.
  • If you do not have the login credentials for your library to access the survey portal, please contact Robin Hastings.
  • It is recommend to print out the workbook/template and note your data on these sheets first — and then sitting down and doing the data entry.
  • You do not, however, have to complete the online data entry in one sitting — you can save your work and come back to it several times before making a final review and submitting to the State Library.
  • The recording linked above may be useful.  In addition, NEKLS will host a “Stats Assistance Drop-In” the afternoon of Tuesday, January 19th (1-3 pm).  NEKLS staff will be available to assist you with completing the survey at that time.
  • BUT…if you have never completed the survey before, it would be best to start looking at it now. NEKLS library consultants will be available, at your convenience, to help you navigate this annual look at your library’s statistics.
  • Other questions about the survey?  Feel free to contact Alice at the State Library (alice.smith (at), Robin Hastings (rhastings (at), or any NEKLS library consultant.


Shorthand Notes from NEKLS Consultants

1.5Population wrong? This needs to be corrected ASAP, state aid is calculated based on this #
1.9Whoever was director at the end of the year
1.13Meeting room, consider normal times
1.14Fines, use best judgment
1.19Closed means public cannot come in.
WiFi – increasing access, but not Mifis
2.52.5d and 2.5e total should equal 52, 2.5f is a subset of 2.5d
Question: Appointment only-is that limited?
2.7Counting people in the library: curbside or lobby service does not count
6.3Actual $$$
6.4i.e., electric bill, donations
6.10Friends, local foundations, giving Tuesday
8.6Includes hotspot
9.3bIncludes Blu-Ray
10.1# available at end of year, if closed at end of the year, 0 computers available
10.5Sessions not Users, if using Google Analytics
11.19If you have a hybrid program, use total head count of attendance
Programs are planned events-they have a date, time, it’s scheduled-with a theme.