Hi, School Librarians and Staff!

I know there is a lot of concern out there about providing online teaching. I am far from a copyright lawyer, and am no expert in this newer field. However, as a consultant, I have gathered a few resources and am sharing them with you. 

If I missed your favorite resources, please email me. I will amend the post to include them so that we can collect everything in one spot. Thanks!

Best wishes for a successful (if strange!) school year.



An article from a legal firm on the TEACH Act, Copyright Fair Use, use of already-licensed materials, use of materials for which publishers are expanding their licenses, and use of Creative Commons Licensed materials.

An article by several law professors (among others) titled: “Reading Aloud: Fair Use Enables Translating Classroom Practices to Online Learning.”

An article on fair use in storytime.

Resources and Guidance

The AASL Pandemic Resources page has a lot of valuable information, including the AASL Complimentary Resources Clearinghouse.

(I don’t think you have to be a member of AASL to use them, but it may vary by vendor…)

ALA’s Fair Use information center includes a link to an online fair use evaluator.

ALA also offers a downloadable PDF Fair Use Checklist.

You may well be familiar with the School Library Journal’s COVID-19 Publisher Information Directory, but it’s still a useful resource.

Guidance for using music in virtual programs.


This webinar (leans towards public libraries, but there may be some useful nuggets in there for you and your teachers): National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Katie Clausen of Gail Borden Public Library District (IL): “Virtual Programs for Preschoolers: How to encourage wellness, movement & creativity”. A good general intro to virtual programming –considerations, platforms, data/counting. At 15 minutes in: presenter discusses copyright–she concludes it’s fair use, but that each library has to decide what’s best in its situation. 

Bonus Material
Also, not about copyright per se, but remember the online resources the state library provides all citizens. Here is a recording of a back-to-school webinar NEKLS staff hosted in late July, intended to help you serve students K-12 and their teachers.